An Academic Lecture by Professor Swaran Singh, the University of Warwick, UK

Professor Swaran Singh Head of Mental Health & Wellbeing Division,University of

Warwick,UK Consultant Psychiatrist, Birmingham Early Intervention Service Hub Lead,

Mental Health Research Network (MHRN) Heart of England Hub Commissioner,Equality

and Human Rights Commission。

Professor Swaran Singh was invited to visit Lanzhou University and gave an academic report to the teachers and students of Lanzhou University in the conference room 406 of Feiyun Building on the morning of November 10. The report was hosted by Professor Hu Bin, Dean of the School of Information.


Prof. Swaran Singh had a lively and in-depth exchange and discussion with the teachers and students on the spot, and gave pertinent suggestions to the problems in the research work.

In the nearly two-hour report, Professor Swaran Singh’s language is vivid and humorous, and he has a deep understanding of the language. He also shared his knowledge of learning and growing while explaining his professional knowledge.